There are 4 main screens in Access Anaesthetics dealing with patient data:
• | The Main Menu. This provides a launching pad for all the functions of Access Anaesthetics. |
• | The Account details screen shows all the details of an anaesthetic service for one patient on one occasion. This is where you add all details on the patient, operation, surgical and anaesthetic items, set the fee, print the account, enter payments, send a form letter and so on. Everything related to an occasion of service. |
• | The List of accounts screen show a list of accounts (patients) in a table format. You can select which accounts to display according to various criteria. This is where you look for overdue accounts, where you specify which accounts to print if you want to print a batch of accounts at once, and where you get practice activity reports. |
• | The Payments screen shows a list of all the payments you have entered into the system. From here you can print lists of payments matching certain criteria, print bank deposit slips, and create various financial summary reports. |
On the top right of the 4 main screens there are 4 buttons which will quickly jump to the Account details, List of accounts, Payments and Main Menu screens. These will maintain the link to a patient if required. For example, if you position the cursor in a particular row of the List of accounts and click the Account details button, the specified patient in the list will be located in the details screen.

Tip | From the Main Menu, click the Account details button to quickly go to the last account in the database. This saves having to enter an account number or name if you just want to quickly open the editing form. |