Access Anaesthetics FAQ

How do I store my own fee for an item?

How do I store my own fee for an item?

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How do I store my own fee for an item?

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Items in the Medicare book have a specific 'schedule fee'. It is possible to apply any fee to an item on an account by using the 'MyOwn' fee method. If you want to save a specific MyOwn fee for an item, open the MBS book, locate the item, and enter the fee into the blue 'My Own Fee' column toward the right. When the item is added to the account, the fee will be inserted into the My Own fee column for that item.




You cannot do this for items that have an RVG unit value, as the My Own fee is calculated using your chosen unit rate.
For group practices the fee you save in this manner will apply to all doctors. It would be possible to have a different fee for different doctors if you create a different subitem code for each doctor, and give each a separate fee.
Fees are not updated when the Medicare book is updated - this must be done manually at the users discretion.