Access Anaesthetics FAQ

Expired Location Certificate

Expired Location Certificate

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Expired Location Certificate

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Your Eclipse location certificate is not the only certificate in the certificate store. There are also a number of Medicare certificates. From time to time, Medicare updates their own certificates. Normally this is done automatically by Medicare when you are online. If you need to update the certificates manually, proceed as follows.


First, download and install the latest PKI certificate manager from the Medicare website at Then ...


1.Start > Control Panel > PKI Certificate Manager
2.Your certificate store should open automatically. (If it doesn't, click <Select <Use an existing store> and locate the hic.psi file which would normally be saved in the C:\Access Anaesthetics folder. Alternatively, it may be in Users\<username>\Documents.)
3.Click Store > Initialize Defaults. Follow the prompts to import the Medicare certificates. You will need to enter the password that you used when you created the store.
4.Close the store.