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2020 December 18

2020 December 18

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2020 December 18

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2020 Update


To our Cutting Edge and Access Anaesthetic clients,


We thought we would finish off this year with a progress update on our software. 2020 has been a challenging year on many fronts, however we’re happy to report to you that we’ve used the periods of isolation productively!


Medicare Web Services integration on track

Our top priority has been to shift our electronic claims processing to Medicare Web Services as this is an essential business function for everybody. Medicare will be terminating their current online claiming technology in March 2022, necessitating all software vendors to integrate with their new Web Services platform before then. We’re happy to report that we successfully completed the first phase mid year, becoming the first vendor in Australia to integrate Medicare and DVA claiming. With the state of things in 2020 this was quite an achievement! There is still some work to do on this front. Medicare has not fully completed their transition, with ECLIPSE claims to health funds now scheduled to shift to Web Services in March 2021. We have already completed preliminary testing and should be the first in the queue for ECLIPSE Web Services integration, putting us well ahead of any other software vendor for the March 2022 deadline. As end users you can be confident that your electronic claiming will unaffected by these changes, due to the work we’ve done behind the scenes. 


New version of Cutting Edge 

In parallel with the backend integration, we have been working hard (and engaged additional staff) to renew the Cutting Edge program. We plan a soft launch around March 2021 to coincide with the full transition to Medicare Web Services. The software will retain all the familiar features, and will have a number of new features that we’ll announce in the new year. In early 2021 we plan to give you a preview (see below) of features such as integrated SMS and emails for pre-op quotes, payments and reminders; a built in letter writer; calendar functions; streamlined invoice creation; and much more. 


Access Anaesthetics transition

For Access Anaesthetic customers, 2021 will be the year we begin to transition you to the Cutting Edge platform. We have built migration tools to streamline the process. We will start with single users, before moving on to the more complex groups and other larger billing practices. Our aim is to complete the migration by the end of 2021, well before the March 2022 deadline to shift to web services. We have already consulted with many users about the AA features that need to be retained, and will continue to take your feedback during the year ahead to ensure you end up with the very best of both products and the support and reassurance that comes with having a larger team looking after you.


Roadshows and Webinars

In 2019 we began a series of roadshows around Australia with the intention of visiting the remaining states in 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Australia we had to adapt these plans. If you were unable to attend any of the events, we’ve attached a summary presentation from the face-to-face sessions. We will hold webinars in early 2021 to keep you informed about further progress and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us by email or phone if you need more information. 


Holiday arrangements

The Cutting Edge office will be closed from December 24th to January 3rd inclusive, with support staff on call throughout that period for emergencies. Email to or will be your best way to communicate; you can also use our 1300 CESOFT (1300 237638) number. 


All the very best wishes for Xmas and the New Year ahead. It’s been the most challenging year and we hope that 2021 brings lighter times.


From Owen, Tony and the Cutting Edge team.


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