Access Anaesthetics FAQ

Server 2019 September 2

Server 2019 September 2

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Server 2019 September 2

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Dear Cloud Access client,


As part of our ongoing server security review, we are modifying the credentials used to send emails from AA on the Macquarie virtual server. Currently your emails are being authenticated using a generic address,, while your own email address is given as the sending address. The address will shortly be retired, and will be replaced by a dedicated email sending address from Amazon Web Services (AWS).


To set this up, we need to have AWS verify the email address that you are using to sign your emails. This is a one-step process where AWS will send you an email containing a verification link. You simply need to click on the link to verify your address. After that is confirmed, we will adjust the email sending credentials on your server account and test the updated system.


We expect to have the AWS email sent in the next few days. The email will look similar to the image shown below. Please contact us if you have any concerns.