How frequently are updates released?
Program updates
Program updates are released at irregular intervals as new features are progressively incorporated. The number and frequency of updates will vary from year to year. We expect to provide between 3 and 5 updates per year. There may also be some updates provided specifically to address bugs when required.
Medicare updates
Updates to the items files will be provided whenever there is a change made by Medicare Australia that might impact anaesthetists. There is usually an update in July, but may be updates at any time. The Medicare website includes an update schedule and a latest news page.
Health fund fee schedules
Health fund fee schedules are updated whenever we are advised of a change. Since the health funds can update their fees at any time, and without notifying us, updates can be made available at any time. Normally there is an update in May and November. In the past different funds indexed their fees at different times of the year and updates were quite frequent. This is becoming less so now, and most funds update only once per year in November.