Access Anaesthetics FAQ

How do I view a satellite file on my system?

How do I view a satellite file on my system?

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How do I view a satellite file on my system?

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If you have a satellite installation of Access Anaesthetics, go to Maintenance > Restore from backup, and follow the prompts. You need to select the satellite file sent from your practice.








Follow the rest of the prompts to restore the satellite file. If you already have a file with the same name, this function will overwrite the existing file without prompting.





If you have a standard single user version of Access Anaesthetics to do you own accounts, but you want to view data sent to you by a practice as a satellite file proceed as follows.


1.Make a backup of your existing data using Maintenance > Backup. This is essential since you will need to restore the backup to get your data back again.
2.It is probably worth checking that you can restore the backup before going any further. To do this, go to Maintenance > Restore, and follow the prompts to restore the backup you just created.
3.Once you're happy with the backup, you can use the Maintenance > Restore function to restore the data from the satellite file.
4.When you have finished with the satellite file, restore the backup you made above, and you'll be back to work with the original file.
The important thing is to always make sure you have a backup of your own data file, before you restore the satellite file.