Access Anaesthetics FAQ

General guidelines for using the virtual server

General guidelines for using the virtual server

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General guidelines for using the virtual server

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Secure server hosting

In late 2018, we migrated our server to be hosted by Macquarie Cloud Services. Macquarie is one of a small number of hosting companies that are on the list of ASD Certified Cloud Services. Our virtual solution is hosted in their 'Secure Health Cloud' which provides all the security conditions required by Medicare for cloud services involving online transaction data. Medicare has made specific conditions mandatory for cloud services that host systems which manage Medicare online transactions, so this server migration was essential for us.


Purpose of the server

The virtual server is provided specifically for the purpose of running the software, Access Anaesthetics, to manage a user's medical billing practice. Other activities are prohibited unless specifically authorized by the administrator.


Installing software on the server

User accounts on the server do not have administration rights and are not allowed to install software. Please contact the administrator if you have special requests.


Internet browsing

Users should not use the server to browse the internet unless this is necessary for the function of Access Anaesthetics. Such functions may include for example, importing data from spreadsheets stored at online locations. General internet browsing should not be done on the server and instead should be done on your own local PCs. Browsing on the server takes up server resources and constitutes an additional security risk.


Logging off

When you have finished using Access Anaesthetics, please close AA and log off the server using the Log Off icon on the desktop. Note that any other method of disconnecting from the server will not actually log you off. It will disconnect you from the server, but your server session will continue, and programs will continue to run and take up resources that might otherwise be available to other server users. In any case, the server is set to log users off automatically after a 60 minute idle time or a disconnected session after 60 minutes.


Closing Access Anaesthetics

Please quit Access Anaesthetics prior to logging off. This ensures that AA is not closed in a irregular manner, and will reduce the incidence of file corruption. Access Anaesthetics is set to close automatically after 50 minutes of idle time. This generally ensures that AA will have been closed prior to logging off.


Automatic logging out

The Access Anaesthetics software will close after 50 min of inactivity.
If the virtual server is idle for more than 60 min, you will be logged out from the server.
If you have disconnected from the server for more than 60 min, you will be logged out.


Overseas access to the server

The server environment has enhanced security, and standard connections are only possible from Australian IP addresses. If a client needs to connect from an overseas location, a VPN (virtual private network) connection is required. Please contact us to have this set up before you need to log in from overseas. Details on how to log on to the VPS are given here.


If your overseas VPN connection is idle for more than 90 min (no server connection) you will be logged out.


Password policy

Passwords must be 8 or more characters.
Passwords must contain 3 of the following 4 character types; uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, special characters such as @#$%.
Passwords will expire after 60 days and must be changed. The previous password cannot be used. A prompt will be given 5 days before expiry. If the password expires, you will be prompted to change the password when you next log in.


Please also see the Terms & Conditions