Access Anaesthetics FAQ

Eclipse Registration

Eclipse Registration

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Eclipse Registration

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If you need help with this, contact the Medicare eBusiness Service Centre on 1800 700 199. They can assist you to complete the required forms and process them.


For general information on Eclipse, see the Australian Government Services Australia website. A comprehensive guide on using online claiming and Eclipse is also available (the 'Medical and eligibility user guide for medical practitioners'). For further details see the department's Doing business online page.


For each site sending claims, you will need


Application for a Site Certificate (required for any site sending online claims - single doctor or group)


For each doctor sending claims...


Online Claiming Provider Agreement form


Online Claiming Banking Details form


Optional - Application for an individual certificate (you can use these in Access Anaesthetics if you like, but don't need to.)


To complete the forms you will also need an 8 character Minor ID that we provide. We may have already sent this to you. If not, please contact us.


Once you have your certificate, go to Eclipse Installation