Can I re-transmit an overdue claim?
Once a claim has been transmitted, you should assume it has been received and acted upon by Medicare +/- fund. Occasionally a claim may sit dormant for some time. To determine what to do ...
Bulk Bill or DVA
Click the <Get processing report> and >Get payment report> buttons on the Eclipse tab when the overdue claim is visible. If there is no report available, and the claim is at least 3 weeks old, call Medicare or DVA to see if they have a record of the claim. If they don't, create a new claim.
Has a processing report been received? If so, and the report states that a payment is to be made, then perhaps the payment report has gone missing. You should check for missing ERAs, then contact us if there is no payment available and if the claim is at least 4 weeks old.
Normally we would not recommend re-transmitting a claim. It will certainly not assist in getting an existing claim paid. However, the worst that can happen is that the claim will be rejected.