Access Anaesthetics FAQ

2019 October 31

2019 October 31

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2019 October 31

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The 1 November Medicare update is now available to download (the usual installation process is described below).


There have been a number of significant changes to anaesthetic-related items, prompted mainly by the MBS Review. ASA members can read more about the MBS Review on the ASA website. In particular:


•         Time Items. Item numbers for time items up to 2 hours have changed so that there is just one item for each 15 min period, where previously there were 3 different item numbers. The old item numbers have been removed, and replaced with new ones.

•         Age modifier. The age modifier has been adjusted to cover patients less than 4 years or 75 years or older (previously <1 yr and >=70 yrs).

•         Unit values. Values for a number of items have been changed, 2 increasing by 1 unit, 7 decreasing by 1 unit, and one decreasing by 6 units (21952).

•         Additions. There are 3 new items, 22042 (complex eye block), 18297 (assistance with blood patch) & 22041 (nerve block).

•         Deletions. A number of items have been deleted, some obsolete or moved to other items, and some considered no longer necessary including 22001 (autologous blood collection), 22018 (gas exchange measurement) & 22070 (cardioplegia).

•         Description changes. A number of items have modified descriptions, for example, blood pressure monitoring items 22012, 22014 & 22025 are only payable when high-risk criteria apply.

•         Fees. Fees have not changed except where unit values have changed.


Full details of the changes can be found on the Medicare website. We recommend you look carefully at the changes to ensure you are claiming correctly.


The new file can be installed at any time; there is no need to wait until pre-Nov accounts are processed.






At the time of writing (Nov 30), none of the health funds had released fee schedule updates. Since most of the anaesthetic-related changes involve modified items or unit values, we have adjusted the fund fees in line with the funds’ current unit values, so we anticipate that these will be correct. Once the funds do release updates, we shall provide further files.






The AMA has published a new unit rate of $88. It expected that the ASA will endorse a similar unit rate, effective from 1 November. Because there is no obligation to use the maximum rate, it is up to the individual AA user to enter the rate they wish to use for regular accounts, or TP and WC accounts. This can be done in Options > Unit Values. A list showing the approved unit value history is provided for reference.



AA PROGRAM UPDATE, version 9.3



A new version of Access Anaesthetics is now available, version 9.3. This update is required in association with the November Items update so that the changes to the time items and age modifier can be implemented correctly. If you continue to use a version earlier than 9.3 after November, the time items and age modifier will not be calculated correctly.


There are a number of other updates and bugs fixes.  Click here for full details of What’s New.


The WA Govt VMP scheme is usually updated in December each year. AA has been modified to apply the changes to the time items and age modifier from 1 December rather than 1 November for WAG accounts.






If you have already created accounts in AA with service dates in November, any time items up to 2 hours will be incorrect. You should have AA recalculate these by re-editing the time on the Operation page, or using the Reinsert <Time> or <All> buttons on the Items page. The automatic data check will alert you if you try to print or transmit an account with incorrect time items, as it’s likely that these won’t be paid.






Sydney Access Anaesthetics / Cutting Edge Workshop

As previously advised we will be hosting a workshop at the Rydges Hotel in Surry Hills Sydney on Wed Nov 27, from 4 – 7 pm.  This will be to bring clients up to date with developments on the future of Access Anaesthetics. If you can’t attend during these times, contact us as there will be some flexibility.

Please RSVP to or by 20 November.


Contact emails

Since Access Anaesthetics is now managed by a larger team, the first point of contact for support should be an email to The ‘ticketing system’ is accessible to all Hybrid staff, and ensures that you will receive a prompt reply to your enquiry.

The phone number for AA support is 03 8679 6449, and your call will be directed to the most appropriate person depending on the enquiry.